Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Apache Spark

  1. 2015.07.09
    1. hardware provisioning
      1. storage systems
        1. run on the same nodes as HDFS 
          1. yarn
          2. with a fixed amount memory and cores dedicated to Spark on each node
        2. run on different nodes in the same local-area network as HDFS
        3. run computing jobs on different nodes than the storage system
      2. local disks
        1. 4-8 disks per node
        2. without RAID(just as separate mount points)
        3. noatime option
        4. configurate the spark.local.dir variable to be a comma-separated list of the local disks
        5. same disks as HDFS, if running HDFS
      3. memory
        1. 8 GB - hundreds of GB
        2. 75% of the memory
        3. if memory > 200 GB, then run multiple worker JVMs per node
          1. standalone mode
            1. conf/
              1. SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES: set the number of workers per node
              2. SPARK_WORKER_CORES: the number of cores per worker
      4. netowrk
        1. >= 10 gigabit
      5. CPU cores
        1. 8-16 cores per machine, or more
      6. reference
    2. third-party hadoop distributions
      1. CDH
      2. HDP (recommended)
      3. inheriting cluster configuration
          1. HADOOP_CONF_DIR
            1. hdfs-site.xml
            2. core-site.xml
      4. reference
  2. 2015.06.04
    1. external tools
      1. cluster-wide monitoring tool
        1. Gangila
      2. OS profiling tools
        1. dstat
        2. iostat
        3. iotop
      3. JVM utilities
        1. jstack
        2. jmap
        3. jstat
        4. jconsole
  3. 2015.05.15
    1. overview
      1. Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. 
      2. It provides high-level APIs in Java, Scala and Python, and an optimized engine that supports general execution graphs. 
      3. It also supports a rich set of higher-level tools including Spark SQL for SQL and structured data processing, MLlib for machine learning, GraphX for graph processing, and Spark Streaming.
    2. quick start
      1. Quick Start
    3. modules
      1. Spark Streaming
      2. Spark SQL and DataFrames
      3. MLlib
      4. GraphX
      5. Bagel (Pregel on Spark)
    4. reference
  4. 2015.05.14
    1. optimization
      out of memorysysctl -w vm.max_map_count=65535 131072
      too many open filessysctl -w fs.file-max=1000000
      spark.shuffle.consolidateFiles true
      spark.shuffle.manager sort
      connection reset by peer-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=12 -XX:NewRatio=3 -XX:SurvivorRatio=3
      error communication with MapOutputTrackerspark.akka.askTimeout 120
      spark.akka.lookupTimeout 120
    2. use case
      1. Baidu real-time security product
  5. 2015.05.12
    1. configuration
      1. 75% of a machine's memory (standalone)
      2. minimum executor heap size: 8 GB
      3. maximum executor heap size: 40 GB / under 45 GB (watch GC)
      4. kryo serialization
      5. parallel (old) / CMS / G1 GC
      6. pypy > cpython
    2. notification
      1. memory usage is not same as data size (2x, 3x bigger)
      2. prefer reduceby than groupby
      3. there are limitations when using python with spark streaming (at least for now)

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